Warranty / Guarantee, Confirmation Received and Complaint
How does the digital warranty/guarantee feature work?
Lowestin will provide a digital warranty/guarantee card that will be loaded on the server. Customers can view the automatic calculation of their warranty/guarantee product-wise unique number, activation date and expiry date by logging into their account and accessing the order details. Product warranty/guarantee is automatically activated for online purchases from Lowestin and offline purchases can be activated by registering within a certain period of time after purchasing the product on the Lowestin site. Failure to register the product within the specified period may result in forfeiture of the warranty. (Next Page)
Confirmation by the customer that the order has been received.
After paying all the payments, the customer will receive the products from the Lowestin courier point and will get an order received confirmation link in the order section of the account dashboard and press the "mark as received" button to confirm that the products have been received. If the customer does not confirm receipt of the product within 24 hours through this link, it will be marked as received complete after 24 hours. ( NEXT)
How both buyers and sellers can benefit from B2B deals through the Lowestin platform.
Business-to-business (B2B) deals conducted through Lowestin e-commerce offer several benefits to both parties. Here's how both buyers and sellers benefit from B2B deals through this platform:

Sell directly to the Merchant

How to get benefits through selling directly to the merchant.